The Attack of the Evil Ant, a Humorous Tale


The other day I had a run in with one of my worst enemies, ANTS.

If you follow me on Facebook you may have seen the live video I shared about the ordeal. I also shared about the experience on an Instagram chat loop. My question for the loop was, “What is your greatest irrational fear?” There was a large variety of answers and it made me wonder how these irrational fears begin.The attack of the evil ant, a humorous tale. The story of how I first became scared of ants during my honeymoon.

My beef with ants began on my honeymoon back in 2005.

My husband and I were married young. I was 19 and he was 21. We were little kids! Our honeymoon took place in Fiji. It was a once in a life time experience. I loved every moment of it except for one.The island resort of Quamea is amazing and the perfect romantic setting for a honeymoon. It is it’s own island run by a generator. The food was five star quality and the service was top notch. Our bure was steps away from one of the best snorkeling reefs in the world. Perfection right? The only trouble with a tropical paradise are the tropical bugs that come with it.

Halfway through our trip I was the victim of an ant attack!

There were ants in our restroom and I just ignored them because bugs come with the territory. I took care of business as usual and then we were off to dinner. During dinner I kept feeling this awful pinching feeling in my lower regions. What on earth was going on!?!I was able to ignore this and enjoy our meal. But every time I moved I felt the pinching. The moment we returned from dinner I went to investigate the source of this pinching feeling. I nearly passed out when I saw an ANT IN MY PANTS. This evil ant had borrowed into my skin which was causing the pain. My husband had to remove this little beast with tweezers.We joked that if our marriage can survive this it can survive anything. My husband is still my hero and rescuing me from ants to this day.The attack of the evil ant, a humorous tale. The story of how I first became scared of ants during my honeymoon.

So there you have it. This is why I hate ants!!!

I try my best to keep my cool around ants now mainly because I do not want my daughter to inherit my fear. But the other day they got the better of me. Do you have a somewhat irrational fear that you try to mask for the sake of your munchkins?norfolk


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