The BLOOM Getaway was a Weekend to Remember
A destination, celebration, inspiration, motivation, relaxation, rejuvenation and a cocktail. The BLOOM Getaway in a nutshell.
Disclosure: I received a free ticket to this event. All opinions are my own and I was under no obligation to write a blog post about my experience. I am sharing because I want to. I was honored to be able to attend the first ever, BLOOM Getaway. I can tell you one thing, it won’t be my last.What is the Bloom getaway? Bloom stands for: By Loving On Ourselves More We Bloom. This event was definitely a chance to relax, recharge and refresh. There were motivational speakers, swag, comedians, dancing and wine. The weekend was full of great moments, here a few of my favorites.
But first wine…
When I arrived Friday evening, there was excitement in the air. Everyone was ready to relax and enjoy their weekend. We started the night off with a glass of wine. In addition to wine, we also enjoyed some delicious appetizers.We then enjoyed an amazing set from #imomsohard. These ladies are hilarious!!! My side actually hurt from laughing so hard. After they were done making us laugh, they stuck around to say hi and take photos. They were so nice! And still so funny, even when they were just hanging out.
BLOOM Day Number Two
Saturday kicked off with the lovely Meredith Masony of That’s Inappropriate. Meredith was the event MC. She was completely delightful and so much fun!Jolene Fisher, creator of No Bad Days, shared the inspirational story of the son she and her husband adopted. Have you seen the movie The Blind Side? Their families story is very similar. I love these type of inspirational stories.Allison Roses, founder of 1 Stop Media, reminded us how important it is to be ourselves. But more than that, it is ok for us to allow others to see our true selves. Especially when it come to social media. This is a reminder we all need!Samantha Ettus, best selling author of ‘The Pie Life’, talked about how to manage all the pieces in our pie of life. It was a nice surprise to receive her book. She also signed them for us. Her talk really inspired me to go after my dreams!
That was just the first half!
I was able to enjoy lunch with a new friend at The Ramen House. After lunch we had more fun on the schedule. This included live music, dancing and even a craft. We also put together bags of necessities that were donated to a local shelter. The event ended with a talk from Kristina Kuzmic, also known as The Truth Bomb Mom. Oh my word! She is probably one of the coolest people I have ever met. She shared very real and personal stories from her life. Her talk made me laugh and cry.
My funnest memory with Kristina was peeing in the men’s restroom together. That is a sentence I never thought I would write.
My biggest takeaway.
All of the speakers did an amazing job. But Kelsy McHenry’s talk was the one that resonated with me the most. Kelsy is the creator and founder of BLOOM. She shared the story of her daughter, who was sick for an entire year. After seeing countless doctors her daughter was finally diagnosed with Lyme disease. Kelsy shared that when life was getting back to normal and she was no longer living in survival mode, she realized she was extremely depleted. She needed to refill her cup. This inspired her to create an event for other women to do the same.During her talk a light bulb went off in my head. I am finally leaving survival mode. The past few years have been really hard! I have been running on empty for so long and I need to refill my cup. I am so thankful to Kelsy for all the hard work she did to put this event together.
You see, this event was purely designed for women to relax and recharge.
We were not brought together by religion, politics or business. We were all brought together for the sole purpose of loving ourselves.(UPDATE) Bloom is getting a makeover. Bloom is now called ‘Start Loving You‘. Don’t you love the new name! Start loving you will be taking place on May 17-18 2018 in sunny San Diego California.