How to Toddler your Parents, if my Toddler Wrote a Blog


This is for all the parents riding the crazy toddler train.

How to Toddler your Parents. A humorous look on life from my toddlers perspective. Visit if you feel like a good laugh.

The other day my daughter was sitting on my husband’s lap, pretending to type on my laptop. When I asked her what she was doing she said, “I am working mom.” My husband and I then joked that she was busy writing a blog post. This got me thinking. What if my toddler did have a blog? What would she write about? I think her blog posts would look something like this.

12 tips to training your parents, includes free printable.

How to avoid bedtime at all costs.

The top 10 ways to ensure you stay awake an extra hour.

Potty training, are they serious?

Toilet paper is meant for unrolling.

How to make the biggest mess in the shortest amount of time.

A step by step guide to throwing the perfect temper tantrum, it’s harder than it looks.

How to Toddler your Parents. A humorous look on life from my toddlers perspective. Visit if you feel like a good laugh.

Where to throw a temper tantrum, the more public the location the better.

A list of noisy toys you are sure to love and your parents are bound to hate.

Why are parents always in such a rush to leave the house? The lost art of taking your time.

How to gross out your parents, we have to keep them on their toes.

15 story books that you can read over 100 times with out getting bored.

The results are in, snacking all day long is the best thing for you.

Mastering the “cute look” to get out of a punishment.

Do you know how to fake cry? Read this tutorial and master your fake crying skills today!

How to Toddler your Parents. A humorous look on life from my toddlers perspective. Visit if you feel like a good laugh.

How to extend your screen time without the parents noticing.

Toddler fashion trends for fall, how to avoid wearing a jacket.

The top 20 songs to play over and over and over again.

My daughter is a total character and always keeps me on my toes.

I would be lying if I said her toddler ways don’t drive me crazy sometimes. But I know that I am going to miss her silly ways someday. So fellow parents on the crazy train, remember, when our little ones are all grown up we will look back on these moments and laugh. Even if they are making us cry now.

What would your toddler blog about?


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