7 of the Top Things you should NOT do at a Holiday Party


There are some things that you should NOT do at a holiday party. Don’t be “that” person.

Holiday parties can be a delightful time spent with friends and family. Or they can be an event that you want to avoid like the plague, but attend to be polite. Whatever the case, there are a few things that can be a total party killer.7 of the top things you should not do at a holiday party. This holiday season make sure you are not "that" person. Visit shortsweetmom.com and find out what NOT to do.

So without further ado, here are a few things you should NOT do at a holiday party.

1.  Show up without an RSVP

As a host, there is nothing worse than planning for a group of 20 and ending up with 2 people. Or planning for 2 and ending up with 20. Do your host a favor and let them know if you will be attending their event.

2. RSVP and not show up

This goes hand in hand with number 1. If you RSVP yes to an event then make it a point to attend. If your plans change, because let’s face it things do happen, be sure to let the host know.

3. Invite extra people

I have been to parties where people bring 5 extra guests along with them. If you have someone extra that you would like to bring to a party, check with the host first. It’s just polite!

4. Bring kids to an adults-only party

Do not bring your kids to parties that are clearly geared for adults. If you are unsure if kids are invited just ask your host. In my opinion, the exception is babies who are not yet mobile. Once they are mobile and can get into mischief, its time to get a babysitter.

5. Drag sick kids along

I know, no one wants to miss out on the holiday fun. But if your kids are sick, PLEASE DO NOT BRING THEM TO A HOLIDAY PARTY! Or anywhere for that matter. Let’s spread holiday cheer, not holiday germs.

6. Get drunk

Parties are meant to be fun, just make sure you are keeping things classy. You don’t want to be pegged as the person that gets sloshed at parties. Especially family parties.

7. Be part of a debate/argument

Have you ever been at an event that turned into the setting for a huge debate and eventually an argument? Awkward! If someone wants to start a debate with you, try your best to take the high road and change the subject.

Let’s review shall we. The 7 things you should NOT do are:

1. Show up without an RSVP2. RSVP and not show up3. Invite extra people4. Bring kids to an adults only party5. Drag sick kids along6. Get drunk7. Be part of a debate/argument

Let’s do our hosts a favor and avoid these holiday party faux pas. It will make things more enjoyable for everyone!

Now your turn. What would you add to the list of things you should NOT do at a holiday party?



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