One Mom's Journey of Discovering Purpose and Identity


It is time to discover your purpose and identity. You are not a mistake. You are not alone. You are chosen. You are loved.

Welcome to another installment of the Community Over Competition series. This is a special post written by Rhiannon Skeen. It is dedicated to every woman who has looked into a mirror and questioned her beauty, value or worth. This post will both inspire and bless your heart, enjoy.One Mom's Journey of Discovering Purpose and Identity. Visit and enjoy this guest post about identity, purpose and embracing your beauty.

Tell us a little about yourself:

My name is Rhiannon. I’m a wife of almost 4 years and a mom of a precious 2-year-old little girl. I grew up in and around ministry most of my life and I came to know Christ at a young age but for many of my teen years I really felt broken.I had been hurt emotionally by the life of the ministry and I was longing to be loved. Honestly, I knew God loved me but I really thought it was based on how good I was or how well I performed. Little did I know that His love was based simply on the fact that I was His.As I got older I discovered many teachings and individuals that helped me to understand what being a daughter of God and being created in His image was all about. I began to understand identity and purpose and as it was birthed in me there was a desire for it to be shared with others. All women should know who they are and WHOSE they are because it changes everything about how we live and what we do.

What can people find on your blog?

Along with being a mom and wife I am also a part-time Children’s director at our church and a blogger. On the blog women will find an assortment of topics from marriage to parenting to growing in Christ. A lot of my heart is ministry so everything comes from the view of what Christ has done in my life or in my family and how it can potentially help others.

What inspired you to start blogging?

I was inspired to start blogging because my husband was about to step into full time ministry with my dad. He was going to be traveling a lot and we had no clue how bills were going to get paid. Evangelism is a far cry from a full time pay check which we had been used to, so I thought blogging could help. I also really fell in love with writing in college and it seemed like such a great outlet while I was at home raising our little one.

Can you tell me about the Created in His Image scripture cards and how you recommend people use them?

Last year, I designed the “Created in His Image” scripture cards. They come in a set of 10 small cards (about the size of a large business card) and each one has a declaration and a verse on it.My intention behind them was for women, who like me, have struggled with image issues to speak these words over their lives and declare them. The Word of God talks about how the power of life and death is in the tongue. When we speak these passages over ourselves we are releasing life and reminding ourselves of who we are in Christ.I would suggest them being used daily. You can hang them on a mirror or in a car or even in the kitchen or at your desk (which is where mine are). Display them so they can be seen daily and recited. At first many may say them half-heartedly. I know I did, but as they permeate your heart you begin to say them boldly because you begin to understand they are true. These are the words God speaks over His children, over His beloved ones.One Mom's Journey of Discovering Purpose and Identity. Visit and enjoy this guest post about identity, purpose and embracing your beauty.

Where can people get a set of the Created in His Image scripture cards?

The scripture cards, along with all the prints I have designed, can be found in the shop on the blog at

What would you say to the women that is struggling to believe she IS created in His image?

Identity and image are two huge struggles today, for many women. I contemplated suicide as a teen because I hated what I saw in the mirror every single day. I had to begin to see that when I hated myself the enemy was thrilled because his lies were working. He had convinced me of all the things I was not. The whole time Father God was trying to show me all that I was in Him.We are so quick to believe the lies but what would happen if we stopped to analyze that inner voice. What is it saying, really and how does it line up with what God says about us? If it is in contrast to His word then it is a lie from the pit of hell. That is not our identity.

I’ve prayed for and cried with many girls and even ladies about image and identity.

To anyone that struggles to believe that she is made in the image of Christ, I would say that I’ve been there and it is a painful place to be. You feel lost and you feel confused but remember that confusion is not from the Father. I would encourage you to pick up His word. Search out His promises of who you are and WHOSE you are. You are not a mistake. You are not alone. You are chosen. You are loved. You are amazing and you are a child of God. Keep looking up and overcome the lies of the enemy. You can’t do this alone but you can most definitely do it with the Father’s help and His love.

One Mom's Journey of Discovering Purpose and Identity. Visit and enjoy this guest post about identity, purpose and embracing your beauty.Beautiful One printable by Rhiannon Skeen

Thank you for sharing your heart with us Rhiannon. Be sure to download your free printable.A while back I wrote a blog post about Redefining Beauty. It shares the importance of accepting ourselves for who we are. Rhiannon and I both share a passion for women and the desire to help them know that they are loved and valued. I hope that Rhiannon’s post encouraged you today. 

Mother’s Day is just around the corner. The Created in His Image scripture cards would make a wonderful Mother’s Day gift.



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