Redefine beauty, lets lead by example
How do we redefine beauty?
The other day I posted this picture to Instagram.

It was followed by this caption…
She is watching me. Yesterday I put makeup on. I don’t get around to wearing makeup as often as I used to now that I have a munchkin. I began to tell Genevieve that mama was getting pretty. I then added, “Mama is always pretty but makeup is fun and it enhances mama’s features.” I don’t want to raise my daughter to think that makeup is what makes a woman pretty or beautiful. Our girls are always watching us, wanting to mirror all that we do. Let them mirror confidence, strength, joy and compassion. Be the example of true beauty that they will one day teach their own daughters. Whether you wear makeup regularly or once a month, your child thinks you are beautiful just as you are, own it!
Later that evening I began to ponder…
Firstly, how does this concept apply to mothers of sons as well as daughters? Secondly, not only do we need to own our beauty, we need to redefine what beauty means.

When we as women are constantly critiquing ourselves and our physical bodies we send the message to our children and society that something is wrong with us. In the future when our children face similar challenges, will they think something is wrong with them or will they be equipped to own their beauty?
What if we valued our strengths and stopped focusing on our flaws. Maybe there would be less bullying in schools if we stopped bullying ourselves. Our children are impressionable like clay in our hands. Let’s mold them into people that see others value. Raise them to see their own value. Not only to love and respect others but also to love and respect themselves.
There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty. - Steve Maraboli
May we lead by example and start with how we treat ourselves.
Think positive thoughts. Speak kindly to yourself. Our kiddos are always watching, always listening, always learning. Own it mama. Let’s redefine beauty!
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