Connecting to your relatives through social media
How I Connected with distant relatives through social media.
A few years ago I randomly decided to check Facebook to see if we had any distant relatives we could connect with. This July we had the pleasure of meeting a few members of my husbands extended family. They were on holiday from Switzerland and visiting the Pacific Northwest for the first time. It all started with a Facebook search.
Finding my husband’s third cousin Monique on Facebook, was incredibly simple. We began to connect and I hoped that someday we would meet in person. When we found out they were coming for a visit we were giddy with excitement. We had the most wonderful time getting to know Monique, her husband Roger and their son Noel.
Time to Party
My brother in law and sister in law graciously hosted a wonderful mini family reunion. Ariel, my sister in law always decorates so beautifully. Therefore, I am pretty sure I need to do an entire blog post dedicated to her creativity.

Yummy food was eaten and delicious wine was consumed.
We looked over the family tree and old family photos. Ever since I was young I have loved looking at photos, especially photos with history. To this day when looking at old photos I find myself imagining what kind of people they were and what stories they would tell.
One of my favorite parts of the evening was chatting with Monique, what an inspiring women. In addition to loving designer clothing Monique also had a love for boutique second hand shops. Bravely two years ago she quit her job of over 20 years with Best Western and opened up her own designer second hand store, Boutique Tresor. I asked her if she ever misses her old job. “Never! I am doing what I love.”
Visiting Switzerland any time soon?
If you should ever find yourself in Switzerland and would like to journey off the beaten path you should stop in the Boutique Tresor – Premium Second Hand store and say hello to Monique. They are located in the lovely little town of Hasle bei Burgdorf about 11 miles from Bern. During your visit to Hasle bei Burgdorf be sure to check out the Emmentaller Showdairy. Enjoy a tour of the cheese making making facility and then a bike tour of the land and the farm.