Surprise! You get a Sister and a Brother!
God answered my childhood prayer by giving my mom twins.
I remember when I was 4 years old and I asked my mom if I could have a brother and a sister. “God gives babies one at a time,” she told me. Little did she know that she was pregnant with twins and God would indeed be giving our family a boy and a girl.Surprise! Six weeks before my siblings were born my parents officially found out that they were having twins.Can you imagine?!? Talk about a bomb shell! I was ecstatic.My mom had to undergo an emergency c-section at 34 weeks. Because I was so young I only remember bits and pieces of this time. I do know that I couldn’t wait to meet my new siblings.My sister Ashley Nicole and brother Robert James were born on November 18. They weighed in at around 4.5 pounds and had to stay in the NICU for two weeks before coming home. They were so cute and so little! I am sure my parents probably had to remind me that they were not dolls.
As an only child I was a bossy little terror. Having siblings is the best thing that could have ever happened to me. They are the reason I became who I am today.We were the three amigos, that is until our parents surprised us with the news that my mom was pregnant. My youngest sister Rebecca Grace was the last piece to our family puzzle, but I will share her story later.
I am proud of both Robert and Ashley. They are both athletic, smart, caring, brave, kind and compassionate people. They both excel at whatever they set their mind too.
We all share a sibling sense of humor. You know the kind of humor where you say something “funny” but the only people that get it are your siblings. I love that about us.
Some of my favorite childhood memories are making music videos and dancing in the living room. We still like to dance in the living room. I still think they are two of the coolest people on earth.
After my dad passed away I find that our moments together are even more meaningful. I appreciate every chance I get to spend time with them.
God heard my childhood prayer and I am so glad He agreed to give me a brother and a sister. You both are such a huge blessing to me and I love you guys more than I could ever express with words! Happy birthday!!!!Love,Your big sis